Bases and Depots
Strategically positioned along the Norwegian coastline, NOFO maintains 5 bases and 2 depots, integral to our oil spill preparedness. These facilities play a crucial role in facilitating the swift mobilization of oil spill response equipment and emergency vessels whenever the need arises.
The primary objective of these bases and depots is to uphold a consistently high level of preparedness throughout the entire Norwegian continental shelf. Each facility is equipped with essential oil spill response tools for the efficient collection and management of oil spills. This equipment is meticulously designed to handle a variety of oils that might potentially leak into the shelf. Beyond conducting drills and training sessions, the bases are responsible for the regular maintenance and repair of the oil spill response equipment.
All bases offer round-the-clock manned surveillance throughout the year, ensuring a prompt and effective response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Tananger base
Visiting address:
c/o NorSea AS
Risavika Havnering 14
Bygg 100 Port N-25
4056 Tananger
Tlf: +47 971 85 185
Contact- and visiting address:
c/o Polarbase AS
Havneveien 50
9610 RypefjordTelefon
78 42 17 11 / 900 67 716
Visiting Address:
NOFO Kristiansund
c/o Nor-Sea Vestbase
Hall 42C
6517 KristiansundPostal address (mail):
NOFO Kristiansund
c/o Nor-Sea Vestbase
Omagata 122
6517 Kristiansund NTef: +47 71 58 22 76
Fax: +47 71 58 29 12
Depot Havøysund
Visiting address:
Strandgt. 20
9690 HAVØYSUNDPostal address:
PB 14
NorwayPhone (0047) 90793280/91108383